Game pie recipes
Showing 1 to 10 of 10 results
Game pie with cranberries & chestnuts
Make this impressive looking pie and keep it in the fridge, ready for a lunch buffet. The simple hot water crust pastry is well worth the effort
Hot game pie
Gordon Ramsay creates the ultimate game pie – wonderful autumnal vegetables with pheasant and venison, all under a crisp crust.
Gamekeeper’s pie
Tailor this mash-topped stew to suit whatever game is in season - add more matured meat if you like a strong game flavour
Pigeon pies with bramble gravy
These puff pastry parcels are packed with rare cooked game, Savoy cabbage and pancetta. Serve with a blackberry gravy
Venison pie
Swap your usual beef pie for venison. Encased in cheesy puff pastry, this will be your new go-to pie on wintery days. Serve with mash and braised cavolo nero
Pheasant, leek & bacon pie
Don't be scared of cooking game - you can cook pheasant breasts as you would chicken
Wild venison, field mushroom & ale pudding
A wonderful take on a classic steak & kidney pudding, using the best autumnal ingredients
Spiced braised venison with chilli & chocolate
This can be eaten as stew or used in a pastry or cottage pie. The chocolate adds an extra richness and glossiness to the finished sauce
Venison wellington
Serve up a game version of the classic dinner party puff pastry parcel with mushroom duxelles, prosciutto and mustard
Mr McGregor’s rabbit pie
This shortcrust pie has a creamy leek, mustard, cider and fennel sauce. Serve with buttery radishes, baby carrots and peas