
A seed pod from the tamarind tree that is used extensively in South-East Asian and Indian cooking to flavour curries, chutneys and bean dishes. Tamarind has a unique sweet and sour flavour and comes in seeded and paste form and most commonly in a block form.

Prepare it

To prepare compresses block tamarind, tear off the equivalent of 15ml and soak it in 150ml warm water for 10 mins. Mix it together and strain through a fine sieve. Throw away the pulp and use the liquid.

To use tamarind slices, soak them in 150ml warm water for about 30 mins. Squeeze and strain the juice.

To use tamarind concentrate, mix 15ml of tamarind with 4-6 tbsp warm water.

Store it

Store in a cool, dark place.


Try lemon juice.


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