The sharp, lemony flavour of this green herb is frequently used in French cuisine. Find out when sorrel is in season, plus how to prepare, store and cook it.
What is sorrel?
Sorrel is a herb with a sharp, lemony flavour. Highly regarded in France, where the leaves are used in soups and sauces, sorrel can also be served with fish and egg dishes. Only the younger leaves, available in the springtime, should be used in salads. In the summer, sorrel is put to tastier use when made into sauce or soup.
Sorrel is best from April to September. It's easy to grow from seed in your garden too, or in a large pot.
Choose the best
Make sure that the leaves are bright green, crisp and fresh.
Prepare it
If you are feeling especially careful, you can fold each leaf in half lengthways and tear from the central stem. Discard the stems and wash the leaves well. Alternatively, wash well under cold water.
Store it
Store in the fridge for no more than three days.
Cook it
Use young leaves raw to add kick to a green salad, or combine with butter or cream as an accompaniment for fish.
Try endive, spinach or rocket.