Making New Year's resolutions that we can stick to can be a challenge - especially when they involve doing exercise that we find difficult or cutting back on the sugary foods that we love. But if there's one man that should be able to motivate us, it's Joe Wicks - personal trainer, online nutrition coach and Instagram star. Here he gives us his top tips for making and keeping to your resolutions, from how to resist that takeaway tempation to why you shouldn't rely solely on the scales...


Start small

No one’s going to expect you to be able to do 50 burpees in a row or lift heavy weights from day one. Take it slowly and remember that you are making progress with everything you do. The more you exercise the easier it will get and you’ll be able to smash a 20 minute HIIT session in no time!

Prep like a boss

If you’ve got all your ingredients chopped up and ready to go you’re going to be way less tempted to order a takeaway or tuck into something sugary. If you prep like a boss on Sunday, you can whack your meals in the microwave all week - meaning you save time and stay on the winning track!


Drink more water

I’ve been saying it all year round but it is the best thing you can do for your body. Your skin will look amazing, you’ll be more energised and your body will function much better when you’re training.

Don’t eat dust

Often people are used to starving themselves on diets but this makes your body cling on to fat and makes you feel rubbish. The key to getting lean and healthy is fuelling your body correctly - you can eat more and train less to get lean when you follow my Lean in 15 plan!


Ditch the scales

I call them the sad step for a reason! Take progress pictures every few weeks so you can actually see the transformation of your body. Muscle weighs more than fat, so seeing your weight on the scales twice a day will make you feel like you’re not making progress, when in fact, you’re smashing it. Don’t believe me? Head over to my Instagram and see the amazing progress photos people on my plan have uploaded. I love seeing how much people change and how they feel when they’re smashing it - it’s the reason I do it!

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Are you making a fitness resolution for the new year? We'd love to hear about your plans - let us know in the comments below...

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