Jamaican Rum Cake
- Preparation and cooking time
- Total time
- 2 hours cooling time
- More effort
- Serves 16
Skip to ingredients
- 3 shot Rum
- 3 shot Wine
- 500g Flour
- 8 Eggs
- 500g Butter
- 500g Sugar
- 2 tsp Almond essence
- 2 tsp Cinamond
- 2 tsp Baking powder
- 5 tsp Colouring
step 1
cream sugar and butter then add eggsstep 2
mixed egg, sugar, butter together until light and fluffystep 3
add flour, cinamond, almond essence, baking powder, rum, colouring and mixed for 4 minutes.step 4
grease a "10 inch tin and pour the mixturestep 5
bake for 1 hour, when finish pour some red label wine straight away over the cake while hot.