my very own special cake!
- Preparation and cooking time
- Total time
- 20 mins cooling time
- More effort
- Serves 6
Skip to ingredients
- 225g good quality plain chocolate (Green & Blacks works well)
- 175g unsalted butter (softened)
- 225g castor sugar
- 250g self raising flour
- 4 beaten eggs
- 1-2 tubes of smarties
step 1
rub the butter and flour together with your fingers and thumbs in a bowl untl it looks like breadcrumbs.step 2
break up the chocolate into little sqaures and add them to the bowl along with the sugar and the smarties. Then start mixingstep 3
as you are mixing gradually add the beaten eggs and then continue mixingstep 4
pour the mixture into a cake tin greased with butterstep 5
bake in the oven for 25 minutes and leave to cool in the tin on a wire rack