
  • 8 egg yolks
  • 2 cans of condensed sugared milk (+/- 397 g each)
  • 200 ml alcohol 94° or liquor with high %
  • 250 ml white sugar syrup (or sugar cane syrup)
  • 15 drops of vanilla essence or rhum


    • step 1

      mix the yolks until they look pale yellow (rubban)
    • step 2

      add the cans of condensed milk constantly stirring.
    • step 3

      Add the alchohol or liquor.
    • step 4

      Add sugar syrup carefully (keep stirring)
    • step 5

      Add essence (vanilla or rhum or both)
    • step 6

      Pour in a glass jar and let it rest in the fridge until thickend. Store in the fridge.
    • step 7

      This eggnog is eaten with a spoon out of small glasses. You can also put it on icecream, cakes... Pour it in small glass jars as a Christmas present Use the egg whites to make a big Pavlova, or small meringue tarts When kept in the fridge it will last a few weeks. If you don't have any vanilla (rhum) essence you can add a glass of rhum, whisky to the alcohol. But than use a little less alcohol.

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