Chervil is a delicate herb with a mild aniseed flavour, used in a blend called 'fines herbes'. Find out when chervil is in season and how to store and prepare it.
Chervil is an annual herb that looks similar to flat leaf parsley but with a finer stem and more delicate, almost wilting leaves.
It has a faint aniseed flavour and is one of the herbs used to make up the French herb mixture fines herbes. It is also reputed to aid digestion when turned into a tea.
At its peak from May until September.
Prepare it
Chervil loses its flavour easily, either by drying the herb or by exposing it to too much heat so it should be added at the end of cooking or sprinkled over food finely chopped and fresh.
Store it
Keep in a sealed bag in the fridge for up to a week.
Cook it
Use chervil to add a punch of herby flavour to mild-flavoured chicken and seafood or as a garnish atop steamed baby vegetables.
Try parsley.